Efficient conflict resolution is critical for any business in the 21st century. When time is money, entrepreneurs and business owners need a process faster than the court system and offering more control than arbitration. That’s what Venn Mediation can help with. Our facilitative Mediation process guides you through a full discussion of how best to move forward while keeping you firmly in the driver’s seat.
Manage workplace conflict and resolve disagreements in a safe space, through a facilitated conversation with a neutral third party.
An Ombuds is a person appointed or employed by an organization who assists individuals in the resolution of interpersonal and intrapersonal conflict. An Ombuds is an independent, informal, impartial and confidential resource. Venn Mediation provides organizational ombuds services under the umbrella of MWI, a a nationally recognized dispute…
Avoid business disputes becoming litigation nightmares. Mediation is a cost-effective way to resolve disputes quickly and confidentially.
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